

Best Practice Award by Metals pro Climate for microZINQ®

The German metal industry actively supports the reduction of CO2 emissions. At the same time the non-ferrous metal industry plays a key role concerning innovative processes and products. The Voigt & Schweitzer Group (ZINQ) has been honored with the Best Practice Award by the initiative Metals pro Climate for its exemplary achievements in CO2 reduction. In addition to the reduced use of zinc by 80 %, the resource-efficient, thin-film batch hot-dip galvanizing surface microZINQ® saves a significant amount of CO2, and therefore belongs to one of the three main prize winners.

On October 17, 2017 the Best Practice Award for extraordinary climate protection contributions in non-ferrous metal industry was awarded in the Munich Palais Lenbach. As in the previous year, the company initiative "Metals pro Climate" particularly honored energy- and resource-efficient processes in the industry. This year, CO2-saving products were recognized.
In his eulogy, the Chairman of the Economic Committee in the Bavarian State Parliament and former Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Erwin Huber, said:

In addition to resource efficiency and an associated CO2 reduction, microZINQ® makes a significant contribution to closed process and product cycles. For example, duroZINQ® and microZINQ® are the world's first Cradle to Cradle® certified surfaces and already complies with the requirements of the EU Circular Economy guidelines.

“We combine efficiency with effectiveness in our batch hot-dip galvanizing surfaces.
The responsible, efficient use of resources paired with effective material selection is the decisive factor in successful, sustainable business management," Lars Baumgürtel, Managing Partner of the ZINQ Group, countered.

“Products we make in our industry are real problem solvers in climate protection. In order to reduce CO2  in various sectors, they are absolutely necessary”, Ulrich Becker, Deputy Chairman of Metals pro Climate, explains.  “For example, think about the energy sector, where an energy revolution only can be achieved with non-ferrous metals.”

The best practice examples of "Metals per Climate" members serve as role models for the entire industry. They show the current state of the industry and highlight the innovative capability of the sector.

From left to right: Dr. Matthias Miermeister, Rainer Wehn, Franziska Erdle, Lars Baumgürtel, Ulrich Becker, Erwin Huber.
Image: © WVM
Dr. Markus Wittmann (Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology) while the welcome at the ZINQ information booth.
Image: © WVM
Dr. Markus Wittmann during his keynote speech.
Image: © WVM
Since July 2015 microZINQ® owns the national technical approval (Allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung).